4 ways to triple your impact and get more visibility when there’s no time!

One of the greatest challenges when it comes to marketing your business as a solopreneur isn’t always about WHAT to say … but finding the time to say it!

Whether you’re building your business at the same time as having another job or even another arm of business, or you have little ones at home, or even if this new business is your core focus, there are always so many demands on yout time, and clients and children and cooking easily take priority over dreaming about stories to tell, or diving into writing mode or designing graphics.

And there is only so much time in a day. Sure, we have limited spoons* full of energy to access in a given day, and we need to prioritise where we spend them. We want to be creating content that is innately valuable rather than being put out there to serve the algorithm gods and keep those cloud servers running hot, and it takes a lot of spoons to develop new content all the time. So how do we make the most of our spoons and create great connection at the same time?

(* For those new to spoon theory, it is based on spoons as a visual representation of mental and physical energy available for daily/weekly tasks)

One way or another you are creating some content or inspiration for it somewhere. Whether it’s been published or spoken or is hiding in your notes, you’ve been finding ways to talk about what you do and why it’s valuable to others. These are gold. Maybe you have loads of content out in the world, and it gets sent out once on one platform, gets seen for a day or a week and then gets all but lost in the ether. Maybe you help people in social threads by replying to their calls for help … even THAT is valuable content!

This isn’t an original idea, but it is one that is helpful to be reminded of, and most valuable to be supported with a simple system so you can put it to work without DOING much work. That's the best way to be economical with your marketing time.

Repurposing. I know it SOUNDS like something that TAKES time, but overall it SAVES it.

Rather than come up with new ideas, new stories, new images, new genius … tap into the genius you have already expressed in one place and share it in another, in a new way.

Using a scheduler to share content across various platforms is one valuable way to save time while maximising visibility. There are many apps you can use to share across different social platforms, and I’ve experimented with a few and drifted away from them as they change the platforms they support … but it is important to not spread yourself too thin by being in so many places that you can’t keep up with replies and feeding the frog. It needs to work easily so that what you’re creating works in the context of that platform’s requirements (visuals, hashtags etc.) and where your people are. I tend toward Meta Business Suite because it makes it easy to share into my groups and other groups I’m a member of, and Linkedin. Simple.

Revisit old posts from your socials to reshare in other ways or other places. Facebook has simple step-by-step instructions to download the content from your Facebook page into a format that makes it easy to find valuable old content that is still as relevant today …. even if it needs tweaking for a current context … so much inspiration has gone into them … and you’ve probably forgotten most of the stuff you wrote back then! There are gems in there! Here are the instructions that work perfectly at the time of writing: https://www.facebook.com/help/466076673571942

Reinventing YouTube, Facebook Lives, Instagram Reels, Podcast Episodes … wherever you have media where you’ve spoken your message, this can be repurposed in so many ways, and particularly into mini posts or quotes or new reels and stories, or snippets for blogs or for your email list … There is a wealth of heartfelt content that deeply resonates within these spoken media pieces. It doesn’t bave to be overwhelming to repurpose this stuff - it can be fun and it is definitely worth bringing this stuff back to life. I wrote a blog recently on how to DIY transcriptions from video or audio content which you can read HERE . Developing strong mini scripts from transcripts can be a little more tricky for the uninitiated. I was recently hired by an author to create scripts from years of YouTube vlogs to be turned into Instagram Reels for promotional purposes. These captured concise ideas that deepened the connection of this bestseller’s brand in order to build a memorable presence and get booked for $50K per project clients, so definitely a great investment in time.

Outsourcing - If you genuinely don’t have the time or technical capacity to easily do this, you may have the budget to outsource it. I would recommend asking a specialist rather than a generalist VA. Brand Storytelling is an art, and your brand is too important to be creating mediocre content just to fill online space. Make it work for you by working with someone who genuinely cares about your purpose, your audience, your deeper message, and the vision for your business. I am always happy to discuss ways you can best repurpose your content, and have capacity to help you myself or recommend you to someone who I trust to put your personal brand communication at the heart of the work. You can book a call with me HERE and I’m happy to give you an objective perspective on ways you can maximise your existing content for your time, budget, audience and goals.

Victoria Maxwell-Davis

Virtual Video Director, Connector & Collaborator, Authentic brand communication & Storytelling, Website Design for compassionate, sensitive, and neurodivergent women entrepreneurs, living in Melbourne Australia. I like Earl Grey tea, french champagne, and growing edible plants.


A tool to set your offer prices, and help develop a visibility strategy to reach your sales goals.


My DIY hack to transcribing video to text for free.