“I am so close to embodying who I know I can be and long to experience a gentle soul-healing way in.”

a woman stretches peacefully in a hammock tied to a palm tree over the sand. Text says "One day? or Today? The potential for inner peace and joy is within you."

The dream you have as a compassionate, creative, and intelligent woman have for your business is not just about the work and a vision for future success … it’s about a deeper belief in yourself and who you can evolve to become and love being.

When the frustrations of you getting in your own way are winning, the doubts about your ability to show up can leave you wondering what it is about YOU that makes getting your business to take off so challenging.

And yet your inner wisdom whispers that you do have something special to offer, make it in business and enjoy the ride.

That’s why you are still here despite the unknowns, and why you can succeed.

That whisper is that of your inner child.

Success starts with enabling that whisper to expand and become your trusted inner voice.

Most people refer to the inner child as the wounded part of you that needs healing.

I see another inner child … the innocent, playful, curious child

who once, despite not being seen or understood or feeling valued or particularly loved,

KNEW deep down that she had insights and abilities that would one day see the light.

She is ready to find her way out of the shadows to become that trusted and wise inner voice.

Reconnect with that joyful, imaginative, curious inner child.

Life has a way of leading us away from our youthful essence.

As we grow up, that part of us doesn’t simply disappear. We are still that person, and that innocent, creative spirit is still within us. Her joy of life and self-knowing can be nurtured again. She has a message for you to remind you of who you really are, and what aspects of yourself is there to rekindle and reconnect with and embrace in your adult life.

In this 20 minute guided visualisation, you’re invited to experience a transformational reconnection with your inner child. This is a place for celebration and healing - a beautiful way to transcend the everyday and at the same time change your relationship with yourself, find greater self-love, and rekindle joy, peace, and enthusiasm for the path ahead.


Created with love - written, spoken, and music composition by Victoria Maxwell-Davis - a meditator since she was 8 years old, HSP, Neurodivergent business coach, holistic web designer, in Victoria Australia.