About Trine and Victoria
Victoria Maxwell-Davis
Hi, I'm Victoria,
My journey has been shaped by diverse influences, including empathetic values imparted by my parents that formed the foundation of my character. From an early age, I was exposed to Christian teachings and Buddhist meditation, which fostered a unique perspective blending spirituality and mindfulness. Today I am less of a “believer” and more of a curious explorer of my own personal truth, and of a connection to the natural world.
After attending film school, I embarked on a remarkable career, becoming a senior producer and director of high-end corporate communications, short documentaries, and immersive museum experiences. I was always driven by stories, connection, and touching people’s lives with resonant perspectives.
Driven by my own neurodivergence, discovered after my own kids were found to be, I experienced a transformative shift in my life. A reframing of my own experiences led me to embark on a new path, dedicated to supporting sensitive, compassionate, and neurodivergent women on their journey to thrive in business that made a difference. Through my business, I empower others to embrace their authenticity, find their voice, and develop their visibility strategy. I guide them in navigating the realms of identity, visibility, messaging, and storytelling, helping them embody their unique narratives and make a lasting impact.
I firmly believe that everyone has a powerful story to tell, and I am passionate about enabling others to share their stories with confidence and clarity. By unlocking their true voice and embracing their unique gifts, individuals can make a genuine difference in their own lives and in the world.
Together, we can cultivate “"unperformance”, make a lasting impact, and thrive on the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
You can follow me on <Facebook>, <Threads>, subscribe to my <blog> or join my Facebook group, HSP Oasis for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
Trine Lehmann Hansen
Hi there, I'm Trine.
I am an author, a coach, and a podcaster, but more than that I am a life adventurer.
I have always wanted to figure out what makes us tick, what makes us who we are, and what causes us to act, react, and interact in the ways we do.
It feels like I have always been on a mission to understand human emotions and behavior - especially what it is, that makes life seem easier for some people than others.
This curiosity led me to study anthropology, teaching, and coaching but it turned out that it was a decade of stress and subsequent depression that really showed me what life is all about.
I learned to look inward for my answers, I found that magical connection to who I really am at the core of my being, and I developed methods and tools to fall in love with life.
If you want to connect, you are more than welcome to reach out on <Facebook>